codepost_stats.analyzers package



codepost_stats.analyzers.pool module

This submodule contains the analyzer pool interface and an implementation.

An analyzer pool is a collection of analyzers, of which the events can be triggered together by firing an event on the analyzer pool and have it propagate to every analyzer registered in the pool. The analyzer pool is the mechanism by which an event loop, such as those implemented in the codepost_stats.event_loop submodule, can keep track of analyzers and how to propagate events to them.

class codepost_stats.analyzers.pool.AbstractAnalyzerPool

Bases: object

An abstract interface for an analyzer pool, a collection of analyzer objects, of which the event handlers can be triggered together using fire_event() or some inherited method by an event loop.


Returns a list of all analyzers registered with this analyzer pool.

To add an analyzer to this list, use the register() method.


A list of all analyzers registered with this analyzer pool

Return type


fire_event(event_handler_name, arguments=None)

Fires an event throughout all analyzers registed in the pool.

This method takes event_handler_name, a string, which is the name of the event handler to trigger in the registered analyzers, such as "_event_course" to trigger the event handler codepost_stats.analyzers.abstract.base.BaseAnalyzer._event_course().

This method also takes arguments, an optional dictionary of arguments to pass to the event handler as a **kwargs argument.

To avoid blocking or interrupting the execution of an event loop, the event handlers are called within a try-catch block. When an event handler fails, this is tracked. The final count of event handlers that succeeded and those that failed is returned as a tuple of integers.

  • event_handler_name (str) – The name of the event handler to trigger

  • arguments (Optional[dict]) – The dictionary of arguments to provide the event handler


A pair reporting how many event triggers were successful and how many failed

Return type



Returns a list of all pairs of name and analyzer registered with this analyzer pool.

To add an analyzer to this list, use the register() method.


A list of pairs (name, analyzer) of registered analyzers

Return type

List[Tuple[str, BaseAnalyzer]]


Returns a list of the names of all analyzers registered with this analyzer pool.

To add an analyzer to this list, use the register() method.


A list of the names of all analyzers registered with this analyzer pool

Return type


register(analyzer, name=None)

Adds an analyzer to the analyzer pool.

This method adds the provided analyzer to the analyzer pool, optionally, using the name that is provided. If no name is provided, the method while try to use the attribute; if this attribute is undefined, a random unique name will be generated.


Names must be unique within the analyzer pool. Therefore if two analyzers are registered with the same name, the second will overwrite the first analyzer in this pool.

  • analyzer (BaseAnalyzer) – The analyzer to add to the pool

  • name (Optional[str]) – An optional name under which to register the analyzer


TypeError – If the provided analyzer is not a subclass of codepost_stats.analyzers.abstract.base.BaseAnalyzer.

Return type



Returns a list of all analyzers registered with this analyzer pool. This function is an alias for the analyzers() function.

To add an analyzer to this list, use the register() method.


A list of all analyzers registered with this analyzer pool

Return type


class codepost_stats.analyzers.pool.AnalyzerPool

Bases: AbstractAnalyzerPool


assignment (Assignments) –

fire_event_comment(assignment, submission, file, comment)
  • assignment (Assignments) –

  • submission (Submissions) –

  • file (Files) –

  • comment (Comments) –


course (Courses) –

Return type


fire_event_file(assignment, submission, file)
  • assignment (Assignments) –

  • submission (Submissions) –

  • file (Files) –

Return type


fire_event_submission(assignment, submission)
  • assignment (Assignments) –

  • submission (Submissions) –

class codepost_stats.analyzers.pool.SuccessFailurePairType(success=0, failure=0)

Bases: tuple

A helper type to report the number of event firings that were successful or a failure, when triggering events using an analyzer pool.

  • success (int) –

  • failure (int) –

property failure

Number of event firings that have failed.

property success

Number of event firings that have succeeded.

codepost_stats.analyzers.standard module

This submodule contains standard analyzers for codePost data, representing the typical kind of statistics that a codePost instructor might want to collect. In addition, the code of these analyzers may provide a good starting base for authoring new analyzers.

class codepost_stats.analyzers.standard.CustomCommentsCounter

Bases: GenericCommentsCounter

An analyzer class to count the number of custom comments created (ignoring any comment that is tied to a rubric comment), for each assignment, by each grader.

This class extends GenericCommentsCounter, and contains all the capabilities of its parent class, in particular in terms of restricting comments by their character, word length or authorship.

class codepost_stats.analyzers.standard.GenericCommentsCounter

Bases: CounterAnalyzer

An analyzer class to count the number of comments created, for each assignment, by each grader.

This class has a number of properties to restrict which comments are included in the tally—depending on the number of characters, words, or whether the comment was authored by the grader of the submission.

The subclasses CustomCommentsCounter and RubricCommentsCounter illustrate how to further restrict the kind of comments that are counted.

In terms of counter storage, the name is the author of a comment and the subcat is the assignment name. Submissions will be ignored if they are not assigned to a grader, or if they are not yet finalized.

property min_characters: Optional[int]

Gets or sets the minimum number of characters threshold, under which a comment will be ignored. To remove this threshold, set this property to None.

Return type


property min_words: Optional[int]

Gets or sets the minimum number of words threshold, under which a comment will be ignored. To remove this threshold, set this property to None.


If s is the string representing the text of the comment, the number of words is computed using the Python expression len(s.split()).

Return type


property only_graders: bool

Gets and sets a flag that indicates whether to ignore any comment of which the author is not the same as the grader of the submission (this may be the case if a course instructor or administrator has added a comment to a submission that may have been graded by someone else, for instance).

Return type


class codepost_stats.analyzers.standard.RubricCommentsCounter

Bases: GenericCommentsCounter

An analyzer class to count the number of comments created that are linked to a rubric comment (ignoring any custom comment), for each assignment, by each grader.

This class extends GenericCommentsCounter, and contains all the capabilities of its parent class, in particular in terms of restricting comments by their character, word length or authorship.

class codepost_stats.analyzers.standard.SubmissionsGradedCounter

Bases: CounterAnalyzer

An analyzer class to count the number of submissions graded, for each assignment, by each grader.

In terms of counter storage, the name is the grader and the subcat is the assignment name. Submissions will be ignored if they are not assigned to a grader, or if they are not yet finalized.

Module contents

The codepost_stats.analyzers submodule contains all the logic related to analyzers.

This includes:

  1. The analyzer interfaces, AbstractAnalyzer and BaseAnalyzer, are defined in the codepost_stats.analyzers.abstract.base submodule;

  2. Some generic high-level implementations of analyzers, such as DictStorageAnalyzer to define an analyzer that collects information in a nested dictionary, or such as CounterAnalyzer which is an even more specialized analyzer that keeps track of integer counts, are defined in the codepost_stats.analyzers.abstract.simple submodule;

  3. Some examples of fully-implemented analyzers, such as SubmissionsGradedCounter or GenericCommentsCounter, are available from the codepost_stats.analyzers.standard submodule;

  4. The interface and an implementation of analyzer pools is defined in the codepost_stats.analyzers.pool submodule.

The most important part of the codebase are the implementations of analyzers in the codepost_stats.analyzers.standard submodule: These provide good examples from which to generate new analyzers.